Jupiter Scientific's IO Burn Box is actually a system of three scrubbers in one package. Working together these three scrubbers combine to make the IO a thermal wet scrubber can safely process the most complex and challenging applications.
The IO features an ultra-high temperature furnace. The furnace chamber is constructed from high nickel/chromium alloy to withstand corrosive gases at temperatures in excess of 1000 C ( 1832 F).
The IO’s electric furnaces are tightly controlled by PID thus supplying immediate power when needed while minimizing electrical usage during down time. The nickel/chromium/aluminum filaments give extended lifetimes at continuous operation above 1000 C.
IO hosts a Venturi water scrubber that supplies excellent particle removal. The nickel/chromium alloy used to construct the Venturi withstands even the harshest corrosives giving long life and allowing the Venturi to protect components downstream.
IO includes a packed column with countercurrent flow. This packed column removes corrosive gases to levels below OSHA P.E.L.
IO’s mag pump and level control provide water lift capability that alleviates the expense of a separate lift station.
Access to IO is through a large color touch panel. The panel clearly communicates critical system information and allows the user to easily access all control functions at a touch.
IO continuously monitors the state of the system and records pressure and temperature data along with data on the performance of the pump. All of this data is logged along with system events and alarms to user extractable memory. This data is also available to the connected factory through IO’s sophisticated communications ability.
IO’s electric furnace uses high capacity ceramic fiber heaters and a nickel chromium furnace chamber to allow temperatures in excess of 1000 C with pin-point regulation of temperature and energy input.
This electric fired heater has several advantages. First, only the energy needed is consumed. Second, IO can immediately respond to changing process conditions. 3rd, IO does not require the piping and monitoring of dangerous fuel gases. Finally, IO does not generate large quantities of global warming gases as do natural gas fired burners
IO features remote access through smart devices. In addition, communication with the factory is available through digital signals and most popular protocols including native MODBUS and optional Profibus and BACnet.
The IO Scrubber can scrub even the most difficult target gases to less than OSHA P.E.L / LEL. IO does this without utilizing hydrocarbon fuel that generate NOx and creating as byproducts large quantities of global warming gases such as methane and CO2.
IO records key operating parameters, exhaust gas levels, and event and alarm history to non-volatile memory that can be easily downloaded by the user.
Jupiter Scientific’s products are all made in the United States of America. We do not outsource your safety. This will never change.
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