Jupiter Scientific's Mercury Dry Scrubber stands apart from traditional point-of-use dry scrubbers due to its ability to utilize our Europa drys scrubbing canisters. The Mercury dry scrubber provides industry leading abatement efficiency with non-detect of target gases at the tool outlet. The Mercury scrubber can process up to 500 LPM of process flow and can handle extremely high hydride gas flows without over heating or breakthrough. The Europa canisters give the Mercury very high MTBS.
The Mercury Dry Scrubber can scrub even the most difficult target gases with > 99.999% removal efficiency. This performance is verified through an on board toxic gas monitor at the exhaust.
Mercury features integrated PLC controlled & actuated inlet, outlet and bypass valves.
Mercury has a host of safety interlocks and has the ability to quickly take action if an unsafe condition exists while notifying users through audio, visual, or electronic means.
The Mercury scrubber has an integrated Venturi vacuum pump to provide draw through the system. This pump is controlled by a PID system that ensures constant draw despite changing process conditions.
Access to Mercury is through a large color touch panel. The panel clearly communicates critical system information and allows the user to easily access all control functions at a touch.
Mercury continuously monitors target gas levels at the exhaust and in the enclosure. In addition, monitors and compensates for inlet pressure and monitors temperature to ensure safe operation.
Mercury records key operating parameters, exhaust gas levels, and event and alarm history to non-volatile memory that can be easily downloaded by the user.
Mercury features remote access through smart devices. In addition, communication with the factory is available through digital signals and most popular protocols including native MODBUS and optional Profibus and BACnet.
The Mercury scrubber is controlled by a sophisticated PLC that constantly adjusts the scrubber for optimal performance while continuously scanning safety interlocks and acting to ensure safe operation.
Jupiter Scientific’s products are all made in the United States of America. We do not outsource your safety. This will never change.
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